Challenger 2022 Div I Round 1 - PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate

Stage: PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate open - closed since 30 Apr

Stage Details

  • PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate is closed since 30 April 2022.


Currently top leader

P5ych0 6sec 690ms good for 50 pts

Latest submissions for stage PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate

Score User Hardware Cooling
7sec 235ms Arni90 DDR5 SDRAM Air (Stock)
9sec 203ms isonzo DDR5 SDRAM
6sec 690ms P5ych0 DDR5 SDRAM
11sec 142ms yee245 DDR5 SDRAM
11sec 152ms yee245 DDR5 SDRAM
11sec 841ms SpOOBG DDR5 SDRAM
7sec 171ms Vertex_FR DDR5 SDRAM
7sec 121ms L0wpull DDR5 SDRAM Air (Stock)
9sec 296ms BeaverOverdrive DDR5 SDRAM
6sec 721ms skullbringer DDR5 SDRAM Dry Ice